A Path of Change Towards a Community of Practice of Nonviolent Education

Building Safe and Caring Schools to Foster Educational Inclusion and School Achievement

The permanent European Knowledge Hub network of schools is able to offer a free training course for teachers on knowledge and practical tools to bring nonviolence to school

‘Violence is learned, nonviolence also…’

We want to start a practice of critical thinking and active nonviolence together with children and young people, on a personal, interpersonal and social level. For this reason, we propose to build beyond the walls of individual institutions, schools and associations a large community of practice of educating adults, where theories and practices of nonviolence education can be learned and shared with nonviolence.

We want to follow up on a current of thought aimed at creating nonviolent educational environments that respect individuality and sociability, overcome the culture of abuse and punishment, actively involve students, and contribute to the construction of a fair and truly human society.


Form a community of practice that meets regularly online and where possible in person.

Training practices for personal and professional growth that concern:

– maieutic teaching 
– problematizing education and active participation of boys and girls to support a democratic school 
– facilitation of interpersonal and group relationships (see assemblies and management of relationships with parents)

Start small self-training groups on nonviolent education starting with teachers in their own schools/territories.

First meeting

Thursday 14 March at 5.30pm
Discussion with teachers: gathering memberships, needs and interests

Online meeting

Starting November 2024

– online training meetings for primary and lower secondary school levels 
– in-person training meetings where required 
– organization of groups 
– meetings for parents both online and in person by school/city/town hall

The meetings will be conducted by the EDUMANA training team, in particular by Annabella Coiro, Sabina Langer and Gabriella Fanara, with the support of Loredana Braina and Isabella Gallotta

Annabella Coiro, expert in communication and scholar of nonviolent education, trainer and activist. She has a degree in Education and Training Sciences and has been curating non-violence and citizenship education projects for schools for over fifteen years. She deals with training and research in the field of interpersonal relationships. Among the many activities to promote nonviolence, you co-founded the Casa delle Donne, the network of schools and associations ED.UMA.NA. and the Active Nonviolence Centre of Milan. She is the editor and co-author of the book ‘Scuola Sconfinata. Proposal for an educational revolution‘, published by the G. Feltrinelli Foundation. You have participated in international conferences and projects related to peace and nonviolence.

Gabriella Fanara trainer, former primary school teacher, DanceMovementTherapist APID®. You graduated in Psychology and for years you have been involved in the experimentation of active methodologies in the educational field and in the study of nonviolent interpersonal relationships. She is a trainer of the EDUMANA Practice (Humanist Education for Active Nonviolence) for the schools of the Milan network. She is co-founder of cultural associations and theatre companies in Ravenna and Milan, she participates in theatre shows as an actress and assistant director. She leads expressive movement workshops, Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) and Theatre in schools, for girls and teachers.

Sabina Langer pedagogist (with a PhD on civic education) and author of school texts. In Milan and Bolzano, for lower and upper secondary schools, she deals with courses to promote participation and democracy, education for peace and non-violence. She works directly in the classroom and/or with teachers to support them in their professional growth and in the creation of transversal and co-designed civic education courses. In this context you collaborate with the EDUMANA network, the inter-azioni.eu project, the Alexander Langer Stiftung Foundation.

The course is free and at the end of the course certificates valid for in-service training of teachers are issued.

sign up

A Path of Change Towards a Community of Practice of Nonviolent Education